Has God Really Said, Pt. 1 (Genesis 3:1-7; Matthew 4:1-11)
/Truth will always be attacked in the quest for final authority, but it is the authority of God (and, therefore, the truth of God) that must be protected at all costs.
Truth will always be attacked in the quest for final authority, but it is the authority of God (and, therefore, the truth of God) that must be protected at all costs.
The job of the pastor requires that he not be distant from the sheep, but be involved with them in their lives, so that he can minister the word of God according to individual needs.
The pastor serves a prophetic function of administering the Word of God, and only the word of God, to correct doctrine and conduct and to build up the saints in Christ.
Jesus governs over his kingdom (the church) through officers, who govern with his authority on the basis of his word.
With the coming of Christ the true heavenly kingdom is inaugurated and is being built and protected by Christ, the heavenly Prophet, Priest and King.
Even after sin entered into the world, God continued to use human agents for the administration of his (now redemptive) kingdom.
Since the creation, God has administered his kingdom (on earth) through human agents, the first of which being Adam (as prophet, priest and king in the Garden).
Jesus serves the church as king by ruling her in wisdom and protecting her from dangers.
Jesus Christ fulfills the office of a priest in guarding the holiness of God’s name and house by standing between the holy God and sinful man.
Jesus Christ fulfills the kingdom office of prophet in revealing to us the will of God for our salvation.
The Kingdom of God is a Spiritual house of salvation which Christ builds and rules over.
Jesus summarizes the reason for his coming into the world as to bring salvation to those who believe in him, through his obedience to the Father.
There are two kingdoms and two glories – one of God and one of man and the two are mutually exclusive.
Jesus presents the kingdom as a current reality (inaugurated at his death) that is characterized by suffering in this life and glory in the next.
Jesus is inaugurating his kingdom by making a covenant in his blood.
In view of the life you have been given in Jesus Christ you are called to lay that life down for his sake.
Caiaphas, unknowingly, does his job as a high priest and lays the sins of God’s children upon the scapegoat for their salvation.
Jesus demonstrates the glory of God in this passage in the resurrection, showing that all who have new life, in him, see the glory of God.
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