Three Sons (Ephesians 6:1-3; Hosea 11:1-2; 6:7-10)
/Children of the covenant are called to honor their parents, chiefly through trusting in Jesus Christ.
Children of the covenant are called to honor their parents, chiefly through trusting in Jesus Christ.
Children of believers are ‘in the Lord’ – that is, they are members of his body (the Church) and are to be addressed as such.
The husband’s leadership is patterned after the way Christ has loved his church, which seeks the end goal of completion by humbly serving those he is called to lead.
As an act of submission to the Lord, in response to the gospel, wives, in all ages, are to submit to their husbands.
Those who have been united to Christ and filled with the Spirit are not worried about being served, but worshipping God and serving one another – this is the Spirit-filled life.
Christians are to be regularly renewed in the Holy Spirit so that they can walk in heavenly obedience while in this world.
Sexual immorality characterizes the sons of disobedience and has no place within the church.
The church, having been loved and served by Christ, is to love and serve one another by seeking out ways to build each other up.
The Spirit of God transforms us into the image of God by renewing our minds in the knowledge of Christ.
Jesus gave the gifts of ministers of the word to the church for the guarding against error and the building up of the body as the dwelling place of Christ.
Christ has conquered a people to himself, not so as to plunder them, but so as to bless them, giving them gifts.
The unity that has been purchased by Christ and is a reflection of the unity within the Trinity is to manifest itself in the way those within the church treat each other.
The eyes of faith can see what the eyes of this world never can – and we are called to take comfort in the heavenly reality, that which is seen by the eyes of faith.
God’s power is not manifested in giving earthly glory – but in accomplishing his eternal purpose, which is the salvation of all his people in Jesus Christ.
Jesus comes in fulfillment of the promises made to David and builds a (temple) house for God to live in by building the church.
Christ has come and set the Law aside by fulfilling it, bearing, in his flesh, the curse of the Law and thus establishing peace between God and man (and within the church).
The Gentiles were not formerly a part of the people of God and with that came five disadvantages, but now they are included and that is to drive them to praise God.
Our salvation is wholly a work of God’s grace, including nothing that man does, but leads to a new obedience as is fitting of those who belong to heaven.
God calls his children into a new reality by being united to the finished work of Jesus Christ.
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