Hiding Behind Your Savior's Legs (Zechariah 14:1-15; 6:1-8)
/On the Last Day, God’s patience will run out and he will come in terrifying justice to judge all his enemies.
On the Last Day, God’s patience will run out and he will come in terrifying justice to judge all his enemies.
God makes a way for sinners to enter into heaven as he turns the sword of judgment upon himself, thereby opening a way for sinful man to enter into his presence without bringing defilement upon it.
On the Last Day, God will remove all false teaching and worship and leave only truth and pure worship, which will define heaven for all eternity.
Simply put, the cross of Christ forms the basis of the church’s salvation and the pattern for her future.
The Last Day will come at the church’s darkest hour, when the whole world stands against her, but God will deliver her by judging the world.
God foretells the judgment he will render on Israel for her apostasy, which will culminate when they betray the Good Shepherd for 30 shekels of silver.
God expands his promise to judge his enemies and deliver his people by promising his people a share in his victory, his life, his land and his holiness because they have been united to him.
God promises to judge false leaders within his household and to lead his people through the wilderness of this world on their way to the Kingdom of Heaven.
Zechariah 9 declares that the coming of Jesus, as king, and the building of his kingdom will be marked out by the drawing of Gentiles to himself for salvation.
Zechariah foretells the coming victory of the Messianic-King, which will be won through humiliation and weakness.
Grace replaces wrath as God promises to bless his people despite their failures.
The Jews totally missed the point of the fasts, thinking they were for God’s benefit and not theirs, and in-so-doing missed the very thing they were meant to learn (namely that pridefully rejecting God leads to destruction).
Between his first and second coming, Jesus is active in the building of his church as his temple and his kingdom and he employs us as helpers in building it through the work of evangelism.
Today I want to show that the kingdom of God is a reward given by the Father to the Son for keeping all the terms of the Counsel of Peace – the covenant that was made between the members of the Trinity.
God will, on the Last Day, achieve a perfect and universal rest, by conquering his (and our) enemies as they assemble themselves in an attempt to capture heaven.
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