Losing Your Life (Deuteronomy 28:1-66; John 12:24-26; 2 Corinthians 11:24-33)
/Those who seek to find their life in the law or by human effort will lose it, but those who lose their lives for Christ’s sake shall find them.
Those who seek to find their life in the law or by human effort will lose it, but those who lose their lives for Christ’s sake shall find them.
God makes it clear to his people that he requires nothing less than absolute conformity to his law in the inner and outer man and that failure meets only with the curses of the covenant.
Christ has come and set the Law aside by fulfilling it, bearing, in his flesh, the curse of the Law and thus establishing peace between God and man (and within the church).
Paul makes it clear that the Gentiles were not formerly a part of the people of God and with that came five disadvantages, but now they are included and that is to drive them to praise God.
We will see that the Deacons have the unique role guarding the holiness of God’s name by caring for the hurting in the flock.
The office of the deacon is established as a part of the church (which is the New Israel) and, in so doing, it displaces the older priestly order.
Joshua, the high priest, serves as a sign that God will come and suffer in order to establish his kingdom and bless his people.
Christ redeems a people to himself by taking their iniquity upon himself and by renewing them in his own image.
The tenth commandment requires that we do not desire or cling to temporary blessings above our eternal blessings.
The ninth commandment requires the preserving and protecting the good name (the dignity, honor and right to inheritance) of those who bear the image of God.
The eighth commandment calls us to be imitators of God who generously gives to and serves others at great cost to himself.
The seventh commandments calls us to be faithful in all our human relationships as a reflection of God’s faithfulness to us.
Psalm 16 is a portrait of a worshipper who is wholly devoted to the Lord and the confidence that belongs to him in such devotion.
Psalm 15 paints a picture of a hope that rests in the fact that God is both perfectly righteous and a God of grace who is willing to suffer for those whom he loves in order to bring them into his presence.
aptism is a catechism for understanding our faith and for teaching it to our children the faith - namely that we are sinners in need of grace, which is found in Jesus Christ alone.
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