The Hyphenated-Church (Titus 3:8-15)
/The gospel calls us to avoid controversies and divisions and to find unity in the grace of Christ, which, in turn, leads us to love and serve one another.
The gospel calls us to avoid controversies and divisions and to find unity in the grace of Christ, which, in turn, leads us to love and serve one another.
In order to be prepared for any good work you must remember all that you were without Christ and all that you are because of Christ.
Jesus Christ is the God of Israel, come in the flesh to redeem and purify a people for himself that he might return and take them home with him.
Every person who names Christ as his savior is called to a life of sacrifices and service—a life shaped by the cross of Christ.
Leaders in the church are called to follow the example of Christ in confronting sin, even when it is unpopular and can cost them their lives.
As Paul hands off his ministry, he calls upon Titus to find Christ-like men who will take up their cross and minister in God’s church, that it might be established and built up according to God’s word.
The Ruling Elder, serves the church in a kingly office, under the authority of Christ the Great King.
Paul recognizes Titus as his spiritual heir, to carry on the work of proclaiming Christ that the elect might believe in him and walk in godliness.
In Psalm 17, David ultimately finds comfort in the midst of injustice by remembering that the Lord is his inheritance, not this world.
The leper discovers that healing comes through faith and faith is increased as the Lord allows us to see how needy we really are and how great he really is.
Isaac represents the promised Seed in whom salvation would be found as well as all who would find salvation by trusting the promises of God and not their own works and abilities.
Moses functions as a picture of Christ, leaving us with a promise of a better prophet who will not only show us the Promised Land, but obtain it for us.
The blessing we are to seek, above all else, is the eternal kingdom of God which is found in Jesus Christ alone, the Mediator who dies in order to bless his people.
The song of Moses is meant to lodge itself in the hearts and minds of God’s children so that when the discipline of the Lord comes, they would repent of their sin and find refuge in the Rock of their salvation.
The passing of the baton from Moses to Joshua is meant to teach us that the law cannot save us, God must do that, but that the law was given to teach man to fear the Lord or leave him without excuse.
God promises his people the blessing of a circumcised heart which will enable them to love him and walk after him in obedience and calls them to respond in faith.
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