The Great Complaint (Jonah 4:1-4; 1 Corinthians 13:1-7, 13)
/Jonah confesses that he is frustrated with God’s unchanging mercy and compassion, but it is that mercy that is his only hope.
Jonah confesses that he is frustrated with God’s unchanging mercy and compassion, but it is that mercy that is his only hope.
But, as we will see in our passage this morning, God is a God of second chances who delights in showing compassion and is pleased when we confess that we have nothing to offer him.
In the sacrifice of Isaac, the promised son, we see God’s plan for his own Son and the depth of love for us that would be required in sending his Son to earth.
By enduring the curse of the Law, God removes its sting and transforms deadly curses into something life-giving and beautiful.
The Lord offers a sacrifice for our salvation and we are transformed into those who offer ourselves in worship and life back to Him.
God hurls a storm at Jonah in order to draw others to faith in him.
God prepares Israel for the absence of their mediator by the recording of his word and the appointment of officers to administer that word.
The Voice of Yahweh is a terrifying voice of judgment, one that is reversed on the cross because Jesus was willing to hear that voice and be struck with that judgment on our behalf.
God is a God of both mercy and justice and he is consistent in all he does and it is these things that give us comfort in faith and in prayer.
The Lord allows adversity and trials to come into our lives in order to teach us to desire one thing—that we may dwell in the house of the Lord forever—and to take comfort in his promise that those who cry out to him will be heard.
True faith in Jesus Christ evidences itself in a love for God’s house and a hatred of the wickedness of this world—this is the integrity of faith.
To ask for something in the name of the Lord is to request things that are agreeable with God’s character that is revealed in that name, with humble repentance for sin and a desire to pursue the ways of the Lord.
aptism, like circumcision, is a wonderful blessing, meant to point us to the God who dwelt in flesh in order to pay our sinful debt on the cross, and lead us to faith in him.
At Gethsemane, Jesus with deep anguish and sorrow anticipates to drink the cup of his Father’s wrath, which would take place at the cross, for the sake of sinners like you and me.
The God of the psalms, is a God who goes into exile and suffers with his people in order that he might one day lead them up his holy mountain to dwell with him for all eternity and we meet this God in Jesus Christ.
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