Consider Yourselves Dead to Sin (Romans 6:1-14; Exodus 14)
/It is not fitting for those who have been freed from slavery to sin to behave as if they were still slaves to it.
It is not fitting for those who have been freed from slavery to sin to behave as if they were still slaves to it.
What ultimately defines you and your hope for eternity is which Adam will represent you on the Last Day.
God’s love in the past helps us to be confident of future glory and to rejoice in present afflictions.
Saving faith is learning to see past the travails of this world and trust God’s promise that life come through death.
Abraham and David testify that it is those who trust God, regardless of their circumcision, that find salvation and that circumcision was meant to reinforce that fact.
The only hope for sinners is the God who freely gives his own righteousness to others that he might treat them as he deserves to be treated.
God’s law is given to silence us from trying to defend ourselves, but this beautifully prepares us to hear God’s word of grace.
Because the law only justifies those who keep it perfectly, the only defense for sinners is to confess that they have no defense and ask for mercy.
All who rely upon their own righteousness on the Last Day will meet with wrath, fury, tribulation and distress, but those who repent and trust Jesus will find life.
All who rely upon their own righteousness on the Last Day will meet with wrath, fury, tribulation and distress, but those who repent and trust Jesus will find life.
It is God’s sobering revelation that he punishes wickedness that both humbles each and everyone of us and gives us hope that wickedness will not have the final word.
The gospel is the saving power of God which sets us right before Him and renews our sinful lives.
David is hated for doing good, but this is evidence that he belongs to the Lord.
Paul imitates the sacrificial love of Christ for others and calls you to join him in doing the same.
By recognizing God’s plans and the value he assigns to others we can see past painful situations to that which really matters—grace, mercy and reconciliation.
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