The Work of Home Missions in the OPC
/Pastor John Shaw is the head of Home Missions (church planting) in the OPC. He visited Reformation and share about his work and the current state of church planting in our denomination.
Pastor John Shaw is the head of Home Missions (church planting) in the OPC. He visited Reformation and share about his work and the current state of church planting in our denomination.
Pastor Jonathan Entrekin is a minister in the Presbyterian Church of America (PCA) and serves as a chaplain in the US Army. In this class he serves about the unique challenges and opportunities of ministering to wounded warriors.
Pastor Don Poundstone is a retired minister in the OPC.
Pastor Dan McManigal is the pastor of Hope Presbyterian in Mercer Island, WA.
Pastor Don Poundstone is a retired minister in the OPC.
Pastor Matt Barker is the Associate Pastor at Emmanuel OPC in Kent, WA.
Austin Britton serves as the year-long intern at Grace Presbyterian in Mt. Vernon, WA under Pastor David Klein.
Pastor Matt Barker is the Associate Pastor at Emmanuel OPC in Kent, WA.
Pastor Danny Olinger serves our denomination as head of the Committee on Christian Education. He took this opportunity to explain what he does and why it is important to the OPC.
In 2011, the OPC added a fifth membership vow. Pastor Randy Bergquist explains the vow and why we believed it important to add.
Pastor Don Poundstone is a retired minister in the OPC and serves as a liaison of our presbytery to Worldwide Outreach. He took this opportunity to bring and update on these ministries in the OPC.
David Inks is the pastor of Westminster OPC in Monroe, WA.
Pastor Matt Barker is the Associate Pastor at Emmanuel OPC in Kent, WA.
Pastor Dave Klein is the pastor of Grace Presbyterian in Mt. Vernon, WA.
Pastor David Inks is the pastor of Westminster OPC in Monroe, WA.
Scott Hunter is a ruling elder at Emmanuel OPC in Kent, WA.
Pastor Randy Bergquist is the pastor of Emmanuel OPC in Kent, WA.
Pastor Marc Renkema is the pastor of Trinity OPC in Bothell, WA.
Pastor Matthew Barker is the Associate Pastor at Emmanuel OPC in Kent, WA.
Pastor Andy Elam is the Associate Pastor at Emmanuel OPC in Kent, WA.
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