A Way of Escape (WSC 85; FC 58)
/As God calls the elect to salvation, he not only uses internal/invisible means, but external/visible means as well and requires an internal and an external response by man in return.
As God calls the elect to salvation, he not only uses internal/invisible means, but external/visible means as well and requires an internal and an external response by man in return.
Sin deserve physical, spiritual and eternal death precisely because it is against the Creator, the God of goodness and righteousness, by which all justice is measured.
Don Poundstone is a retired minister in the Orthodox Presbyterian Church. He joined us and taught Sunday School.
No man since the fall, even after he becomes a Christian, can stop sinning until he gets to heaven.
Coveting is, ultimately a dissatisfaction with God as your chief possession and an attempt to find your happiness in something else.
The ninth commandment requires us to speak the truth to those to whom it is due, when it is appropriate.
The eighth commandment calls us to champion the needs of others above our own and not to take that which we have not earned or have not been given.
The seventh commandment requires internal and external faithfulness in the marriage relationship as well as all other relationships, but most importantly between God and man.
The sixth commandment is a command to guard God’s justice and the protect the lives of the innocent.
The Fifth Commandment forbids us to take any authority that is not rightfully ours and points us to Jesus the truly obedient Son who earned eternal life for us.
The Fifth Commandment requires you honor all legitimate forms of authority because they are given by God to reflect his authority to us.
Sunday is the most important day of week because it is the day where we enter into God’s presence and taste what eternity will be like.
Pastor Don Poundstone is a retired minister in the OPC.
Christians may not seek to try to get God do their bidding or seek to exalt themselves over God.
God requires that all people, especially his children, treat anything that is attached him with honor and respect.
Cheyenne Protsman is a member of Reformation who went with the short-term missions team to Japan in 2013.
The Second Commandment forbids ways of worshipping God that he does not command, even if they appear to be helpful or enjoyable.
The Second Commandment forbids ways of worshipping God that he does not command, even if they appear to be helpful or enjoyable.
The Second Commandment forbids ways of worshipping God that he does not command, even if they appear to be helpful or enjoyable.
What the Lord requires in worship can be broken into two categories - principles and elements.
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