The Justness of God (HC 9)
/Because man is responsible for his own slavery to sin, God is still just to require perfect obedience from him.
Because man is responsible for his own slavery to sin, God is still just to require perfect obedience from him.
Each of us inherits a corrupted nature from Adam that affects each of the aspects of the image of God.
Tim Draper is a ruling elder at Reformation.
Because Adam was acting on behalf of all mankind, we are all responsible for the consequences of his sin.
The image of God has four aspects and these help us to understand creation, the fall and the work of Christ.
God’s law requires absolute perfect love (for God and for neighbor), which no fallen man can give, which means each of us needs to understand our own sin.
God has given us the law to expose our sins to us in order that we might own them and humbly turn from them in order to find mercy.
True eternal comfort is not found in anything we are or do, but in the Triune God who grants us redemption.
The Heidelberg Catechism was written to answer man’s most important question, “How can sinful man find peace and rest in the most ultimate of ways?”
The Westminster Shorter Catechism addresses mankind as God’s creation, explaining his created purpose and how that was jeopardized by the fall of Adam and restored in Christ.
We conclude our thoughts on the Lord’s Prayer with a statement of praise and confidence in the Lord alone.
God allows temptation, never more than we can handle and always to teach us to depend upon him more, but calls us to pray that we would be able to avoid it all together.
Sins incur a (moral) debt and when Christ pays off our debts, he also acquires the debts owed to us—requiring that we trust him to either forgive or collect on those debts.
Sins incur a (moral) debt and when Christ pays off our debts, he also acquires the debts owed to us—requiring that we trust him to either forgive or collect on those debts.
We are to pray that God would supply all our needs—both in this world and the world to come—knowing that if he cares for our eternal needs, he will most certainly care for our temporary ones.
To pray for our daily bread looks back to God’s supernatural provision of manna in the wilderness and cannot be understood without remembering the two key elements of that story—the daily provision of bread for five days and the double portion on the sixth.
To pray for God’s will to be done is to ask that God would morally transform his people into those who obey his commands.
To pray that God’s kingdom would come is to pray that God’s church would grow to the point of perfect fullness, at which point Satan’s kingdom will be completely destroyed.
To pray that God’s kingdom would come is to pray that God’s church grow to the point of perfect fullness, at which point Satan’s kingdom will be completely destroyed.
The preface to the Lord’s Prayer establishes the character of prayers and being a loving, yet respectful, interaction between the God of heaven and his children.
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