The Ascension (HC 46)
/After the resurrection, Jesus ascended (bodily) into heaven where he remains active on behalf of the church, through the ministry of his Holy Spirit.
After the resurrection, Jesus ascended (bodily) into heaven where he remains active on behalf of the church, through the ministry of his Holy Spirit.
The bodily resurrection of Jesus guarantees us that we will be raised up in our bodies on the Last Day and join him in heaven.
Being partakers of Jesus’ resurrection means that we are raised to newness of life and made more and more able to walk in obedience to God.
The resurrection of Jesus Christ is proof that our salvation has been purchased and the basis upon which we have confidence that it is applied to us.
Jesus suffered all the torment we would have in hell in order to deliver us from it and that is the basis of our hope of heaven.
Sanctification is about being made more like Jesus in sacrificial love for God and others.
Obedience in the Christian life is something that we do not give to God, but he gives to us, by conquering sin’s power over us.
In conquering death on the cross, Christ transforms death for Christians into something positive—the eradication of sin and the entrance into eternal life.
The only way for sinners to be saved was if God would become man, live a perfect life, die a cursed death in our place and be buried, but not decay.
Jesus suffered death in an perfect way so that it would be legal, substitutionary and cursed in order that he might redeem us from all that we deserve for our sin.
Jesus had to be born of a virgin because it was necessary that he both human and sinless in order to redeem sinful humanity.
To call Jesus “our Lord” is to confess he is the God of Israel who saves his people from sin and bondage.
As adopted sons, we are granted all that Jesus has earned as an obedient son, as a gift, by grace.
When we say that Jesus is the Christ—we are confessing that he has been called to an office and part of that is to reveal God to us in word and indeed as our great Prophet.
Being God’s children means trusting him in all things, knowing that nothing can happen to us that he does not determine is for our good.
To call God our Father is to confess that we belong to him as children a Father, that we are his heirs and that he loving cares for and provides for us.
The one true God of the Bible exists in three persons—the Father who decrees salvation, the Son who accomplishes salvation, and the Spirit who applies that salvation to the elect.
The articles of the Christian faith, without which you no longer have a Christian faith, are summarized in the Apostles' Creed.
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