The Culture Gap and The Third Place
I. How We Got Here
II. The State of Our Culture
III. Intro to Third Place
Intro: Why a New Approach Is Needed
/I. Initial Considerations
II. Past Approaches: Salesman Evangelist and Rational Apologist
III. False Assumptions About Our Culture
The Sixth Commmandment (HC 105-107) Part 2
/Born of sinful self-love, murder is anything that seeks to silence or destroy the image of God and elevate self.
Read MoreMurder (The Sixth Commandment) (HC 105-107)
/Murder is the intentional and unjust taking of a human life.
Read MoreHonoring Your Parents (HC 104)
/Honoring your parents is an essential part of what it means to live in the family of God because it reflects the relationship of the Father and the Son.
Read MoreYour Responsibility to Others
/God has given gifts to each member of the church to use in the service of others.
Read MoreDiscipling Your Strength
/God is renewing your strength so that can stand strong against sin and obey his commands.
Read MoreDiscipling the ❤️ (James 1:27)
/God is renewing your heart so that you sacrificially serve others above yourself.
Read MoreDiscipling the Mind (Colossians 3:1-10)
/God is training you to be more and more like Jesus by renewing your mind.
Read MoreWhose Job is Discipleship?
/God is the chief discipler, who uses church officers, the congregation, and you to accomplish his goal of restoration in you.
Read MoreWhat is Discipleship?
/Discipleship is the restoration and perfection of the image of God in us.
Read MoreBearing One Another’s Burdens (Galatians 6:1-18)
/True faith leads to humility and service of others.
Read MoreLife in the Spirit (Galatians 5:16-26)
/The Christian Life is lived out in the Spirit of God.
I. There's a War Going On
A. The Two Sides (5:16-18; cf. Genesis 1; John 1:14; Deu 1:30; Zec 4:6)
B. The Works of the Flesh (5:19-21; cf. Rom 1:19, 32)
C. The Fruit of the Spirit (5:22-23)
II. Road to Victory
A. The Crucified Flesh (5:24; cf. Gal 2:20, 6:14; Rom 6:6-7)
B. Living by the Spirit (5:16, 18, 25)
C. Walking Together (5:26)
Glawspel? (Galatians 5:1-15)
/When it comes to your standing with God it is either all of grace or all of works, there is no middle ground.
Read MoreIsaac and Ishmael (Galatians 4:21 - 5:1; John 8:31-38)
/Isaac and Ishmael serve as object lessons to us of the difference between the works of man and the work of God—one leading to banishment and the other to inheritance.
Read MoreNo Turning Back (Galatians 4:1-20)
/Resist the temptation to go back to your former way of life because you will once again be enslaved.
Read MoreWhy Then the Law? (Galatians 3:15-29)
/The Law was not added to change the way of salvation, but to teach us of our need for it.
Read MoreNot Under the law (Galatians 3:10-14)
/Jesus submitted himself to the law in order to deliver you from it.
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