Fed on Tears - (Psalm 80)

Fed on Tears Psalm 80 Tears will come, sometimes overwhelmingly so, but if you belong to Jesus they must surrender to eternal joy. I. A Diet of Tears (vv. 4-6) A. Jesus B. Israel (vv. 4-6) C. You II. Longing for Restoration (vv. 1-3, 7-19) A. Restore Us! (vv. 1-3, 7-19) B. Silence those Who Afflict Us (v. 16) III. The Trail of Tears (vv. 3, 7, 16, 19) A. Why Jesus Suffered B. Turning that Frown Upside Down (vv. 3, 7, 16, 19; 2 Timothy 2:11-13; Philippians 1:6; Joshua 1:5-7) C. Fed on Tears Discussion Starters 1. Monday—What does Psalm 80 mean when it talks about feeding on tears (v. 5)? Have you ever felt like that? 2. Tuesday—What does it mean for God’s face to shine? Have there been times when you’ve felt God’s smile? Have there been times when that smile seems to have faded? 3. Wednesday—What does it mean that restoration looks both forward and backwards? What does the restoration ultimately look like for God’s people? 4. Thursday—Have you ever struggled to make sense out the suffering Jesus endured? How does God teach us to makes sense out of it? 5. Friday—How does the suffering of Jesus give you comfort when times are hard? What promises can you remember in those times?