04 - Comfort & Confrontation (Exodus 4)

Sermon Notes

God comforts and confronts our prideful doubts to drive us to trust his resources

Exodus 4:1-17

I. God Comforts (vv. 1-9)

II. God Confronts (vv. 10-17)

III. To Trust His Resources (vv. 1-17)

Discussion Starters

Monday—Why does Moses object to the calling of God? What do his excuses have in common?

Tuesday—How does God comfort his people when they doubt? How does he confront their pride?

Wednesday—How did Jesus model right priorities? What drove him to forgo earthly riches and comfort?

Thursday—What does God mean that how you handle the small things will be how you handle the big things? Why does he talk about loyalty when he addresses money?

Friday—Do you struggle with priorities? Where do you spend too much time? Where do you need to spend less time?