24 - Our Struggle with the Cross (Luke 9:51 - 10:16)
/The gospel message is repulsive to this world and will be rejected by many—our job is to preach it, not change the hearts of those who hear it.
Turning toward Jerusalem (9:51-56)
Pressing toward the Cross (9:51)
The Offense of the Cross (9:52-56)
Ministry and the Cross (9:57 - 10:16)
A Call to the Cross (9:57 - 10:2)
The Shape of the Cross (10:3-9)
Human Responsibility (10:10-15)
Setting our Faces toward Jerusalem (9:51; 10:16)
Discussion Starters
Monday—What does it mean that we “struggle with the cross”? Do you struggle with the idea that sometimes things won’t get better? That God might call you to surrender without seeing victory?
Tuesday—What does it mean that Jesus turned his face toward Jerusalem? (9:51) Why would those in Samaria reject him because he turned his face toward Jerusalem? (9:53)
Wednesday—How does the cross of Jesus shape the ministry of the church? How does it uniquely shape pastoral ministry? How does it shape the ministry of all believers?
Thursday—What is the responsibility of the church when it comes to evangelism? What is the responsibility of those who hear the preaching of the gospel?
Friday—Why did Jesus add that it’s not you that is being rejected, but him and his father (10:16)? How is this meant to be a comfort to you?