58 — Resurrection Living
LUKE 20:45 - 21:4 | DEUTERONOMY 26:1-13
If you truly believe in the resurrection it will be reflected by holding the riches of this world loosely.
Discussion Starters
Monday—Who in the Bible (other than Jesus) do you most want to be like? Why? Do you think it’s whom God would encourage you to be more like?
Tuesday—What is the sin of the scribes that Jesus is warning us against? How can worshippers get caught up in this kind of sin? Do you see these temptations in your own life?
Wednesday—Why is significant that Jesus sees the widow? Why do we tend to think that God doesn’t notice the people society thinks are insignificant? What does this say about our priorities versus God’s?
Thursday—What does it mean that our offerings are an act of worship? Is this reflected your practice and your heart? If not, what can you do to grow in this area?
Friday—What does it mean to live in light of the resurrection? What are some things you need to hold onto more loosely?