The Road to Glory (1 Peter 1:3-12)
/The end of the Christian life is a heavenly inheritance and the road to that goal is one of purification through trials.
Where Are We Going?
The Sufferings and Glory of Christ (vv. 10-12)
The Imperishable Inheritance (vv. 3-5, 8-9)
The Road of Suffering (vv. 6-7)
Discussion Starters
Monday—Read verses 3 and 9. Where are we headed? What is the goal of our faith? Why is this important for Christians to understand?
Tuesday—What is the Old Testament about? (vv. 10-12) What are some of the main things the prophets told us about the coming Messiah? Which ones are we more likely to ignore? Why?
Wednesday— How does what Peter says in verses 10-12 relate to his theme that we are exiles in this world? Should you expect to be treated any different than your Savior was?
Thursday—What is the inheritance that Peter is talking about in verses 3-5 and 8-9? How does he describe it? Does this excite you? How do your life reect that this is the goal?
Friday—Why are trials necessary? (v. 6) What is God doing in you through them?