Holy Love
/HOLY LOVE (1 PETER 1:13-25 | EXODUS 12 | LEVITICUS 18-19)
Being a child of God means walking in this world with sacrificial love, the way the Son of God did while he was on earth.
Children of Heaven (vv. 17-20; Exodus 12)
Holy Love (vv. 14-16, 21-22; Leviticus 18-19)
Heavenly Wisdom (vv. 13, 23-25)
Discussion Starters
Monday—Why does Peter tie the idea of being children of God (vv. 14, 17) with being exiles in this world (v. 17)? Can be both a child of God and a child of this world?
Tuesday—Why does Peter appeal to the Exodus out of Egypt to help us understand what happens when we become Christians? How does Israel’s time the wilderness help us to understand our time on earth? Where do we find the guidance we need to live in our exile?
Wednesday—What does it mean to be holy? Why does Peter connect the idea of brotherly love (v. 22) to being holy (vv. 15-16)?
Thursday—What does it mean that the word of the Lord remains forever? (vv. 24-25) What do God’s people need most from the pulpit? Why?
Friday—If you are going to understand what holy love looks like, where do you need to look? What are some ways the Lord is calling you to love sacrificially?