The Great Battle (1 Peter 4:1-11 | Matthew 16:21-28)
/The time spent waiting for Jesus’ return should be spent learning to subdue your selfishness and serving others whether they be inside the church or out.
The Beginning… and the End Arm Yourselves (vv.1-2)
The Temptation to Live for Self (vv. 3-6)
The Call to Live for God (vv. 7-11)
Discussion Starters
Monday—Whom did Satan tell Eve to serve in the Garden? (Gen 3:5) Whom did he tell her she could control? (Gen 3:6) How does this help you understand what lies at the heart of all sin?
Tuesday—Why is the world surprised when Christians don’t join in its sin? Why does it attack Christians for not joining? What should your mindset be toward the sinful passions of the world? Why?
Wednesday—What is self-control? How does it relate to denying yourself? (Matthew 16:24) Whom do you typically try to control? Why?
Thursday—Why does Peter call us to love each other above all else? (v. 8) Is hospitality hard or easy for you? Why? What gifts has God given you? How can you use them to serve others?
Friday—What does it mean to think like Jesus? (v. 1) How does that arm you to live in this world?