Hated Without Cause (John 15:18-16:4a; Psalm 69:1-12)
/The hatred which the world has for Christ will be reflected in how the world treats those who belong to Christ in that they will suffer while they remain in this world.
I Have Called You Friends (John 15:12-17; Galatians 3:23-4:7)
/Jesus, in introducing the New Covenant, changes the nature of the relationship between himself and his people from slave and master to that of friend – and, in that, causes his disciples to bear lasting fruit.
I Am the True Vine (John 15:1-11; Isaiah 5:1-7; 27:1-6)
/Jesus, the True Vine, provides the context in which God’s people can live and bear fruit (especially in evangelism) and thus bring glory to God.
I Will Not Leave You as Orphans (John 14:15-31; Ezekiel 36:22-38)
/The Holy Spirit is given as the first taste of heaven and therefore brings about a new reality that God’s children are called to live out of.
Show Us the Father (John 14:7-14; Exodus 33:12-23)
/Jesus proclaims that, because he is the heavenly provision, we are living in a greater age than Moses and have a better knowledge of God and are able to perform better works than those performed prior to the resurrection.
A New Commandment (John 13:31-38; Genesis 2:15-17)
/Jesus begins his farewell speech by comforting his disciples with a promise of the end result and a reminder of how to get there.
I Am the Way (John 14:1-7)
/Jesus, as he brings about a new creation, ushers in a new covenant and with it a new commandment.
Night is Coming (John 13:21-30; Psalm 42)
/In the giving of the morsel to Judas, Jesus demonstrates that it is he who lays down his life for his beloved disciples.
He Loved Them to the End (John 13:1-20; Psalm 41)
/In washing the disciples’ feet, Jesus demonstrates how he will show his love for his disciples by laying his life down for them.
Ordination (Acts 6:1-6; Numbers 8:5-20)
/Prayer and the laying on of hands not only tell us how one is ordained to office, but remind us that the character of office to which the officer is ordained is one of sacrifice and service.
Gender in Office (1 Timothy 2:8-15; Genesis 2:18-3:7, 14-16)
/God has specially tasked men with serving in office in the church and this as a reflection of creation and the Gospel.
Qualifications for Office (Titus 1:5-9; Genesis 1:26-31)
/Those who serve in the household of God, must be uniquely qualified by God to serve on his behalf with knowledge, righteousness and holiness, and the ability to rule well.
The Deacon, Pt. 2 (Acts 6:1-7; Deuteronomy 26:1-15)
/The Deacons have the unique role guarding the holiness of God’s name by caring for the hurting in the flock.
The Deacon, Pt. 1 (Acts 6:1-7; Numbers 1:47-54)
/Right on cue, the office of the deacon is established as a part of the church (which is the New Israel) and, in so doing, it displaces the older priestly order.
The Ruling Elder, Pt. 3 (Hebrews 13:7-17; Acts 22:30-23:11)
/The congregation is to joyfully submit to the Lord, by submitting to the leadership and rule of His duly appointed elders.
The Ruling Elder, Pt. 1 (1 Peter 5:1-4; Deuteronomy 17:14-20)
/The Ruling Elder, serves the church in a kingly office, under the authority of Christ the Great King.
Be Imitators of God (Ephesians 4:25-29)
/As we will see in this passage today, God calls Christians to walk in holiness, in their speech and actions, because they have been made holy and are united to Christ through the gospel.
Has God Really Said, Pt. 2 (Genesis 3:1-7; Acts 17:1-15)
/The most important question we can ask is ‘what has God said’ because life is found in every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.