Confronting Peter (Galatians 2:11-21; Acts 10:1-35)

Confronting Peter
Galatians 2:11-21
Acts 10:1-35

The gospel unites sinners to Jesus Christ and, therefore, to each other even if they are Jews and Gentiles.

I.    Shootout at the Gentile Corral (vv. 11-14)
    A.    The Showdown in Antioch (vv. 11-14)
    B.    Which is It? (Acts 10:9-35)

II.    Tear Down that Wall (vv. 15-19)
    A.    What the Law Teaches (vv. 15-16)
    B.    What the Gospel Does (vv. 17-21)

III.    Shootout Revisited (vv. 11-14)
    A.    Denying Unity in the Gospel
    B.    Allowing the Law, not the Gospel to Define Him