1 Peter Series Conclusion (1 Peter 5:10-14)
/Peter closes his letter by directing his readers eyes to heaven and the Last Day and the eternal peace that defines the kingdom of God.
Peter closes his letter by directing his readers eyes to heaven and the Last Day and the eternal peace that defines the kingdom of God.
The elders of the flock are called to be examples in humility for the church to follow in order that they might stand strong against the attacks of the devil.
Peter directs his readers to understand that suffering is both expected and beneficial in the life of the believer.
You are to have the mind of Christ, who put others above himself, and, in view of the coming judgment, seek to serve others above yourself in the love of Christ.
Peter summarizes all he has just said about serving others above yourself as brotherly love, then calls you to defend the hope (of heaven) that is in you before a watching world.
Christ’s pattern of submission on the cross informs all that we do, whether it is in submitting or in leading, we are called to take up our cross in humility.
Christians are called to submit to their governing authorities and their vocational masters out of fear for God.
Using the imagery of the temple, Peter argues that the Church, through union with Christ, is the New Israel of God, and they ought to conduct themselves accordingly.
God has called you out of the kingdom of this world to his eternal kingdom and calls you to live out of that reality – holy in your conduct with a focus on eternal things.
The Christian is called to walk, in this world, by faith, not by sight, knowing that his life is patterned after Christ’s, namely suffering in this world and glory in the next.
Peter introduces his letter by identifying the church of Christ as exiles in this world, loved of God and set apart with the hope of conformity to Christ through the grace of the gospel.
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