Serving in the Land of Shinar (Daniel 1)
/Chapter 1 sets the context and theme of Daniel (kingdoms in conflict) as well as establishes a pattern of life for the godly in exile.
Chapter 1 sets the context and theme of Daniel (kingdoms in conflict) as well as establishes a pattern of life for the godly in exile.
Daniel was written for an audience much like ourselves in order to provide comfort by revealing the invincible character of God's kingdom.
The Covenant of Grace is the second covenant made between God and man, wherein the same eternal life is offered, but this time via a mediator.
In the Old Testament, God gave his people specific days to observe and instructions on how to do so. What about the New Testament? Does God tell us to observe holy days?
God is not only vindicated in his justice, but obligated by his justice, to punish sin because it is a transgression of his just, universal and binding Law.
Adam sinned, not only for himself, but on behalf of all his natural descendants, brining guilt, death, and corruption upon all.
One of the qualifications of an elder is that he is able to teach (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:9). Therefore part of the examination process for our elder candidates was to afford them an opportunity to teach. On this Sunday, Elder candidate John Buma taught the Sunday School class on the the fall.
One of the qualifications of an elder is that he is able to teach (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:9). Therefore part of the examination process for our elder candidates was to afford them an opportunity to teach. On this Sunday, Elder candidate Jim Mammina taught the Sunday School class on miracles.
God perfectly brings about his eternal plan by governing all his creatures and all their actions.
One of the qualifications of an elder is that he is able to teach (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:9). Therefore part of the examination process for our elder candidates was to afford them an opportunity to teach. On this Sunday, Elder candidate Tim Draper taught the Sunday School class on the image of God.
Creation is the work of God in which he made all things of nothing and this for his own glory.
God’s decrees are all-encompassing, immutable and perfect in every way.
God is one in substance though eternally existing as three persons.
Pastor Marc Renkema is pastor of Trinity OPC in Bothell, WA.
Today we will see that he proper conception of God is that of an uncreated creator, who is perfectly sovereign, holy and blessed within himself, without dependency upon any other for any thing.
The word of God is deep and rich and presents portions that are tough to understand, but those portions which pertain to salvation are accessible by all to whom the Lord gives eyes to see.
God’s revelation in nature (general revelation) reveals God’s existence and attributes, but his (redemptive) plan for His people is only revealed in his special revelation (His Word).
We conclude the series by looking at two things: first, this is a coherent, unified system of theology and second, it is not historic Reformed covenantal theology.
While a person may apostatize from the visible church, no soul is ever lost out of the invisible church.
Justification, today and on the last day, is based on the work of Christ alone and not upon any obedience wrought in you.
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