Haman's House is Plundered (Esther 8)
/Esther 8 gives us a picture of the millennial kingdom in which the nations come to God as the enemy’s house is plundered.
Esther 8 gives us a picture of the millennial kingdom in which the nations come to God as the enemy’s house is plundered.
Through death and resurrection, Haman the enemy is undone and conquered and suffers a cursed fate.
Out of the darkness and despair of chapter four, Esther is exalted on the third day in newness of life.
Esther accepts the role of intermediary between God’s people and destruction, even though it will most certainly cost her life.
Esther is shown to be the story of a battle between two peoples – two kingdoms – the seed of the woman and the seed of the serpent – it is a story that is as old as creation.
God sovereignly orchestrates history to care for and protect his in ways that we cannot see, some times, until years later.
Chapter one sets the masterfully sets the stage for the story of Esther to unfold by providing the context for the message of perceived versus actual power.
Esther is the story of God’s protection of his people from the brink of imminent destruction through the invisible, almost imperceptible, hand of providence.
Part of the priestly work of Christ is his continual intercession on our behalf, wherein he advocates for those whom he has purchased on the cross.
Christ will return, bodily, at the end of the ages as to judge the living and the dead and bring his people into their heavenly inheritance.
The ascension and session of Christ testify that Christ, as our Redeemer, has bodily ascended to heaven with all kingly authority and prepares our home for us.
The resurrection is the proof of the success of Christ, as our redeemer, and the guarantee of the Christian’s blessed reward.
Even those that lived before the incarnation of Jesus Christ were no less saved by his redeeming work and took hold of that through faith.
The atonement was the act of Christ vicariously satisfying the just wrath of God on behalf of the elect.
A survey of aberrant views offered as to the purpose of the death of Christ on the cross.
Because the two natures of Christ are united in one person, what can be said of one nature (individually) can, properly, be said of the whole person without confusing the natures.
In the incarnation, Christ underwent humiliation of vicariously entering into the reality of a fallen world in which he suffered as if he were the proper object of the Father’s wrath and curse.
Jesus has eternally existed as God and continues to, though in the incarnation at specific point in history took on a second nature – a human nature – and continues, today, to exist as fully God and fully man in two distinct natures, in one person, forever.
God eternally planned to his save his elect through (and only through) the mediating work of Jesus Christ.
The job of the Civil Magistrate (whether he be a Christian or not) is to guard the general (i.e., secular) interests of all the citizens and not the holy interests.
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