Round Two of Debates (Job 15:1-21:34)
/Left with no earthly comforter, Job turns to the only one he knows must heed justice and looks to God for vindication even if he doesn’t understand his present suffering.
Left with no earthly comforter, Job turns to the only one he knows must heed justice and looks to God for vindication even if he doesn’t understand his present suffering.
Job’s counselors continue to press him with the wisdom of the world which he embraces to a point and is, thus, led into despair.
In 2011, the OPC added a fifth membership vow. Pastor Randy Bergquist explains the vow and why we believed it important to add.
God, in his grace, ignores the desires of Job and refuses to abandon him.
Job loses his way (of wisdom) because he seeks to make sense of his suffering with the logic of this world.
Job serves as a demonstration that, by grace, God is able to preserve sinful man against the attacks of the devil, something righteous Adam could not do on his own.
Job was a real man who lived sometime around the time of the patriarchs (Abraham, Isaac and Jacob) who, though not sinless, sincerely sought after God, understanding his need for a Redeemer.
Pastor Phil Proctor serves as missionary in Mbale, Uganda.
God has appointed a day when he will bring this history of the first creation to a close in which the purpose for which it was created (namely his glory) will be perfectly fulfilled.
Churches as members of the body of Christ are called to submit to one another and work together (in matters of faith) for the good of God’s people.
Church discipline is the earthly expression of heavenly realities through the declarative proclamation of God’s word.
The Church of Jesus Christ must understand two realities - namely that no church in this world is perfect or perfectly pure and that it is possible to degenerate to a reality where a particular body (or denomination) is no longer a true church at all, but rather a part of the kingdom of darkness.
The Church of Jesus Christ, which is his kingdom, can be referred to in two ways - as invisible (referring to the eternal unseen reality) and as visible (referring to the temporary manifestation in this world).
Civil governments are to protect all their citizens regardless of religious belief and not intermeddle with religious affairs, and the citizens are to honor God by paying proper honor and tribute to their civil authorities.
The kingdoms of this world are legitimate institutions, given by God, for the common good of man, but are distinct entities from God's eternal kingdom.
The kingdoms of this world are legitimate institutions, given by God, for the common good of man, but are distinct entities from God's eternal kingdom.
Pastor Don Poundstone is a retired minister in the OPC and serves as a liaison of our presbytery to Worldwide Outreach. He took this opportunity to bring and update on these ministries in the OPC.
Vows are a solemn declaration to God of your pledge to carry through on something weighty, lawful and within your ability.
The correct way to worship God is taught in the Bible and limited to what is taught in the Bible.
David Inks is the pastor of Westminster OPC in Monroe, WA.
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