Introduction to the Gospel of Mark
/Austin Britton serves as the year-long intern at Grace Presbyterian in Mt. Vernon, WA under Pastor David Klein.
Austin Britton serves as the year-long intern at Grace Presbyterian in Mt. Vernon, WA under Pastor David Klein.
There are ultimately two competing theories of knowledge in the world today, one that seeks knowledge regardless of the consequences and one that says “I will believe only what serves me.” (Modern conversations and logical absurdities)
Elders give suggestions on disciplining and correcting your children.
Elders give suggestions on instructing and nurturing your children in the faith.
Raising children, as an act of discipleship, is about the heart and mind first, and then behavior.
Steve Ethridge is a deacon at Reformation. In 2011 he visited Uganda.
Children are members of Christ’s church and so spiritual nurture is an act of discipleship.
Pastor Matt Barker is the Associate Pastor at Emmanuel OPC in Kent, WA.
To ask for something “in Christ’s name” or “in faith” means to ask for things agreeable to his will.
Pastor Danny Olinger serves our denomination as head of the Committee on Christian Education. He took this opportunity to explain what he does and why it is important to the OPC.
The blessings for obedience and curses for disobedience in the Law were tied to earthly pictures of divine justice on the Last Day and not intended to teach us what each of us should expect day to day in our lives.
Because the Law was a picture of what it looks like to be rewarded for obedience and cursed for disobedience on a small and controlled scale (in order to teach man that this is not what he wants for his salvation) it, necessarily, had to have rewards and curses.
Repentance is the unavoidable road to grace which bears the wonderful fruit of rest in the provision of God.
God finally gives Job his audience and demonstrates that Job’s words have been both foolish and sinful.
Elihu confronts Job’s false notion of innocence and his false notion of God’s perversion of justice as he focuses on the mysteries of God’s infinitude and grace.
Elihu confronts Job’s counselors and his false notion of innocence.
Job closes his defense with as recording of the facts and an oath of innocence, challenging God to prove him wrong.
This world does not hold the answers to life’s most ultimate questions, those can only be found in God.
Left with no earthly comforter, Job turns to the only one he knows must heed justice and looks to God for vindication even if he doesn’t understand his present suffering.
Job’s counselors continue to press him with the wisdom of the world which he embraces to a point and is, thus, led into despair.
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