You Are the Salt of the Earth (Matthew 5:13)
/Jesus describes the church as that which is holy and set apart in the world, that for which the last day has been postponed.
Jesus describes the church as that which is holy and set apart in the world, that for which the last day has been postponed.
Jesus explains the first four beatitudes and how the church is to (internally) respond to the antagonism of the world.
Jesus explains the first four beatitudes and how the church is to (internally) respond to the antagonism of the world.
Jesus rewards his people with the blessing of a pure heart, which so delights in the Lord that it desires nothing but God and is rewarded on the Last Day with the fulness of his presence.
As former enemies of Christ who have received mercy, the church is called to treat the hostile world with mercy.
To hunger and thirst after righteousness is to long for the day of God's righteous judgment when the evil will be punished and the righteous will receive the fullness of the kingdom.
Meekness is the willingness to be patient for the inheritance and possession of the New Heavens and the New Earth, knowing that what is promised is far greater than what this world can offer.
Mourning is the natural response to being an exile and is a blessing because it betrays your heavenly identity.
Those who possess the kingdom are necessarily poor in the world’s eyes.
Jesus, having received the kingdom through his obedience opens his mouth to proclaim words of righteousness and comfort to his kingdom people.
The Beatitudes are a series of blessings that belong to all believers because of their union with the exalted Christ.
The first creation necessarily anticipates a new creation, which is the kingdom of God, but cannot be made visible while the present age remains.
God not only decrees the number of those who will be shown mercy, but actively appoints some for destruction, that is, predestines them to hell.
God is in charge and has irrevocably decreed all that will come to pass, even down to the exact number and identities of those who will be saved.
There are two valid but distinct ways of talking about the Trinity, which, if confused, will seriously harm the biblical doctrine.
God is one in substance though eternally existing as three persons.
The canon ought to be understood in terms of constitutional rule over a particular body, resulting from the authoritative proclamation of the Divine Sovereign.
Pastor Matt Barker is the Associate Pastor at Emmanuel OPC in Kent, WA.
The canon ought to be understood in terms of constitutional rule over a particular body, resulting from the authoritative proclamation of the Divine Sovereign.
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