34 - Seeing God’s Kingdom (Luke 13:1-21; 23:34)
/God’s kingdom is not visible as a kingdom, but in the fruit it bears in people’s lives as they love and serve others.
The Kingdom of Man (vv. 1-5, 10-16)
The Galileans and the Tower of Siloam (vv. 1-5)
Healing on the Sabbath… Again! (vv. 10-16)
The Kingdom of God (vv. 17-21, 6-9)
The Kingdom of God Produces Visible Fruit (vv. 17-21)
Whatever Doesn’t Produce Fruit will Be Thrown in the Fire (vv. 6-9)
Discussion Starters
Monday—What temptation does Jesus address when talks about the Galileans who were murdered by Pilate or those who were crushed by the Tower of Siloam? (vv. 1-5) How have you interpreted the suffering of others to justify yourself?
Tuesday—Why were the religious leaders upset that Jesus healed on the Sabbath? (vv. 10-14) What did they miss about the true nature of the Sabbath? (vv. 15-16)
Wednesday—In what way is God’s kingdom like a seed that becomes a tree? (vv. 18-19) In what way is it like leaven in dough? (vv. 20-21)
Thursday—What is the fruit God is looking for in our lives? How does “fruit” reveal what is in the heart?
Friday—Why doesn’t Jesus finish the parable about the fig tree?