I Hung my Head (Psalm 3 | Matthew 10:34-39)
/We will see that, in the Bible, victory comes through defeat, life through death and deliverance through suffering.
How the Mighty Have Fallen (vv. 1-4)
Confident of Victory (vv. 6-8)
To Sleep... To Die (v. 5; Matthew 10:34-39)
Discussion Starters
Monday—What is the story “The Emperor’s New Clothes” about? Have you ever felt like everyone can see through you and see all your sins, faults, and blemishes? How did that make you feel?
Tuesday—Why does David feel so defeated in the beginning of Psalm 3? Why does he question whether the Lord will deliver him? Have you ever felt that way? When?
Wednesday—Why is David afraid to sleep? What does it mean to hang his head? What would it mean for God to lift it?
Thursday—Why does the Lord deliver David? What does it mean that God is his glory? Where does the Lord want you to seek comfort when you feel overwhelmed by shame?
Friday—What does it mean to lose your life for Jesus’ sake? Is this something you just do once or repeatedly?