Fear (Psalm 56 | Romans 8:31-39)
/When you are afraid, you can trust in the God who hears you and will deliver you.
God Allows You to go through the Wilderness (vv. 1-7)
God Hears You when you Weep (vv. 8-11)
God is with You in the Wilderness (vv. 12-13)
Discussion Starters
Monday—What are the different things that people tend to fear? Which do you tend to fear the most?
Tuesday—What does the wilderness represent in the Bible? How is it a fitting picture of the Bible’s description of life in this world?
Wednesday—Why are the attackers said to work their wickedness “all day long”? Why are the enemies of God’s people able to oppress God’s children in broad daylight?
Thursday—Does weeping show a lack of faith? How do we know? What are laments? Why are they appropriate in this world?
Friday—What does “if God is for us, who can be against us?” mean (Romans 8:31)? What kind of comfort does this offer you?