Antichrists (1 John 2:18-27)

The last days will be known for false teachers and we must be all the more sure to cling to the truth of the gospel.

  • Antichrists (vv. 18-19, 22, 26)

  • Anointing (vv. 20, 23, 27a)

  • Abide in Jesus (vv. 21, 24-25, 27b)

Discussion Starters

Monday—What is the “last hour”? What characterizes it? How do we know that we are living in the last hour?

Tuesday—Why do you think that the last days are known for a multiplication of false teachers? How can you spot them? What do they all have in common?

Wednesday—What is the anointing that John refers to in this passage? How is it meant to be a comfort to you? Can the Holy Spirit be taken away from you?

Thursday—Can you have the Father, but not the Son? What about the Father without the Holy Spirit? How does this help you identify false teaching and false gospels?

Friday—What hope do you have of standing strong in the face of false teaching? What are some ways that God strengthens your faith?

Brett McNeill

Brett McNeill has been our pastor since we began in 2004. He and Jen have been married since 1998 and have four wonderful daughters. Brett is a graduate of Westminster Seminary in California (Masters in Divinity, 2003). His desire is to clearly proclaim Jesus Christ from all of Scripture in a way that is clear, convicting and encouraging.