Test the Spirits (1 John 4:1-6 | John 1:1-18)

Teachers show themselves to be true by preaching Jesus Christ crucified, a stumbling block and foolishness to the world.

  • True and False Spirits (vv. 1-3; John 1:1-14)

  • Greater is He Who is in You (vv. 4-6)

Discussion Starters

Monday—Is it shocking or concerning that there are so many “versions” of Christianity? Why or why not? Why does the devil promote false versions of the true religion and not just totally different religions?

Tuesday—Can you truly believe in Jesus if you believe he is just a man, an angel, or any other created thing? Why must you believe that he is the uncreated, eternal Creator? (John 1:1-3)

Wednesday—What does John mean that Jesus “came in the flesh”? Does he just talking about Jesus becoming man or is there something more? What is it?

Thursday—Why are false teachers so successful? (v. 5) What hope do you have of not being led astray by false teachers? (vv. 4, 6)

Friday—What is Christianity about? Morality? Changing the world? Who Jesus is and what we do with him? What happens when we get God’s priorities out of order?

Brett McNeill

Brett McNeill has been our pastor since we began in 2004. He and Jen have been married since 1998 and have four wonderful daughters. Brett is a graduate of Westminster Seminary in California (Masters in Divinity, 2003). His desire is to clearly proclaim Jesus Christ from all of Scripture in a way that is clear, convicting and encouraging.