Introduction (1 Peter 1:1-2)
/Peter introduces his letter by identifying the church of Christ as exiles in this world, loved of God and set apart with the hope of conformity to Christ through the grace of the gospel.
Peter introduces his letter by identifying the church of Christ as exiles in this world, loved of God and set apart with the hope of conformity to Christ through the grace of the gospel.
Pastor David Inks is the pastor of Westminster OPC in Monroe, WA.
Good works are those works with are good by God’s definition and wrought in the believer as evidence of their reality of their faith for the comfort of the believer, the edification of the saints and the glory of God.
Repentance is a true turning from sin, because it understands how heinous sin is and hates it (especially in light of the mercy of Christ) and leads to the blessing of forgiveness.
Faith is the reasonable trust that is placed in a reliable God to deliver on the promises he has made.
One of the qualifications of an elder is that he is able to teach (1 Timothy 3:2; Titus 1:9). Therefore part of the examination process for our elder candidates was to afford them an opportunity to teach. On this Sunday, Elder candidate Shawn Protsman taught the Sunday School class on adoption.
Pastor David Okken serves as missionary in Karamoja, Uganda.
Because sanctification is a work of grace, it comes by faith, which is built up through God’s ordained means of grace.
Sanctification is a work of God’s grace alone, but this does not preclude an appropriate response of faith and obedience, in fact it demands it.
Sanctification is not an option but a necessary part of the Christian life, though always imperfect in this life.
Scott Hunter is a ruling elder at Emmanuel OPC in Kent, WA.
Justification is based on the obedience and forgiveness of Christ being granted to the believer through faith alone and takes place at the moment of salvation.
Justification is rightly understood (theologically) as a judicial act whereby God pronounces the individual believer right with God on the basis of the obedience and forgiveness of Christ through faith alone.
The sovereignty of God extends even to calling those who are unable to hear or respond to the external call and is not denied by those who appear to be one of us but, by their abandonment, demonstrate their faith to be false.
Effectual calling is that work of God where he undoes the reality of total depravity, effectively enabling and causing us to embrace Jesus Christ for our salvation through a work of new creation.
Pastor Randy Bergquist is the pastor of Emmanuel OPC in Kent, WA.
Effectual calling is that work of God where he undoes the reality of total depravity, effectively enabling and causing us to embrace Jesus Christ for our salvation.
Pastor Marc Renkema is the pastor of Trinity OPC in Bothell, WA.
Man has a free will, but it is a freedom that is constrained both by nature and by sin.
Man has a free will, but it is a freedom that is constrained both by nature and by sin.
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