I Hung my Head (Psalm 3 | Matthew 10:34-39)
/We will see that, in the Bible, victory comes through defeat, life through death and deliverance through suffering.
Read MoreWe will see that, in the Bible, victory comes through defeat, life through death and deliverance through suffering.
Read MoreBecause Jesus is the main character in history, we all have supporting parts, but in his family there are no small parts.
Read MoreWe are to give no place in our churches or our hearts to false teachers who teach contrary to the teachings of Christ.
Read MoreThose who love Jesus love his church and seek grace, mercy, and peace for those who belong to it.
Read MoreYour greatest desire in life should be for Jesus and for others to find life in him before it’s too late.
Read MoreIn Jesus’ baptism, crucifixion, and resurrection the Father has born witness that he is the perfect Savior and our only hope of salvation.
Read MoreDavid teaches us to boast in our weakness for, though it is foolish to the world and humbling, it is where God’s power is made perfect and we find life.
Read MoreBecause God is love, his children must love each other and even those hate them.
Read MoreThe church is a mess, but it’s where we find Jesus.
The Church is Messy (vv. 19-24)
Jesus is Found in the Midst of a Messy Church (vv. 18-24;
Revelation 1:12-20)
Our Only Hope is to Hold On to Jesus
Discussion Starters
Monday—Who was Jezebel? What is she famous for? What is the danger with tolerating false teachers?
Tuesday—How is the church portrayed in the seven letters of Revelation 2 and 3? Is it perfect, pristine, and attractive or messy and suffering? So why should anyone join the church?
Wednesday—How is Jesus described in the letter to the church in Thyatira? What is significant about being a Prophet? A King? A Priest?
Thursday—What does it mean to hold fast to what you have (v. 25)? What are three things you are called to surrender to Jesus?
Friday—Why is it significant that the letter to Thyatira is at the center of the seven letters? In what ways is it a summary and conclusion to the other six letters?
Baptism preaches the message of the Gospel to God’s people and seals it with His promise that all who trust in the blood of Jesus will be saved.
Read MoreLove is the sacrificial concern for others that defines God and should define us as we reflect God’s love to those around us.
Read MoreTeachers show themselves to be true by preaching Jesus Christ crucified, a stumbling block and foolishness to the world.
Read MoreGod calls you to follow Abel’s model of living sacrifice rather than Cain’s model of bitter envy.
Read MoreLove is an unmistakable family trait—one that all God’s children have.
Read MoreThe last days will be known for false teachers and we must be all the more sure to cling to the truth of the gospel.
Read MoreTrue faith shows itself in love toward others, even seeking good for your enemies.
Read MoreSometimes, in order to move forward, you have to first go backwards.
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